• openspace, worker, computer, coworking
    Erasmus Plus for Companies
    Are you looking for talent for your company?
    We have some of finest candidates Europe has to offer.
    ASK US

Internship students


The Erasmus Plus program helps students move around the European Union to promote both students and companies’ internationalisation. The length of the internships range from 3 to 6 months.


Getting an internship agreement is simple: you just need a mentor for the intern, and sign the agreement between the student and the company. Erasplus+ will provide all the documents needed.


Are you thinking of the internationalisation of your company? Checking another market niche maybe? All our students speak two languages at least. Contact us and we will check your case.

Talent for Companies

Contact us to pick the best profile to your company


Opinions about our services from other students, companies, education centers which work with us

Hongbo Sun, SimpliFly CEO and Co-Founder

“SimpliFly people are the most valuable and meaningful to our company.
We always seek for talents who share the same passion as us to join in our company. Tubecamec provides us an unique pool of interns and we enjoyed our relationship since the beginning.”

Karl Aherne
Managing Director – Headcase Marketing

“In Wayra Ireland, our startups were crying out for smart, energetic business interns with an international background. Erasplus took on the challenge and managed the process from beginning to end, finding the right interns, with the right skills and matching them to the needs of our startups.”

Andrew Casey
CMO at FunkedUp.com

Working with Erasplus has been a great experience. The team worked closely with us every step of the way to ensure that we ended up with a candidate that was right for our company’s specific needs. The interview process was clear and well managed and after just a few interviews, we found a perfect candidate. Within a few weeks our candidate was in Dublin and rearing to go. We look forward to working with the team again.

Chaume Sanchez
CEO GeeksHubs

“The experience of hosting an intern in our company has been great,
the service of Erasplus + was fast and it was exactly what we needed.
Our intern quickly adapted to our team and became a part of our permanent team.”

  • camera, notebook, photos, pencil
    Everyone has been a beginner
    Choosing the option of training an intern is like giving something back to our society and a social and moral
    value to your company.
    ASK US

Step by Step

Our process made simple

Partner Organizations

The Best Companies and Incubators which trust in us.